I just cannot stop working or even studying..all had ended..School had ended..I really miss school..How I wish I could go back again..with all my friends around me.
Maru made me tcc's breakfast yesterday but I was going to work so i never finish it.
Thanks maru..I really appreciate it..Thank u so much.=)
My darling suppose to come to my place to do the coursework but she never come..
We were sleeping at home like 2 little pigs..i has'nt seen her for quite a number of days..Kind of miss her..Really miss her..I just don't know why.My life is so different without her.I had been shopping alone and doing things myself.I even went to look for a job myself.I just want to do things myself.I really miss the naive,noisy and wonderful life I had with my friends.
Some people is like a river flow and does'nt turn back.Some is like the ocean that is so calming and gentle.Some is like the sky which u can't touch but will always be there watching over you.
I'm scared,I really do...
I have my dream and I know we still share the same dream.The 3 of us...Lets move on.
Some people see things they are and ask why.Others dream things that never were and ask why not.What your mind can conceive and believe.It can achieve.